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Be Respectful And Value Everyone

B.R.A.V.E. Hawaii was founded and created by Mahealani Sims-Tulba in 2013. B.R.A.V.E. stands for Be Respectful and Value Everyone. Being a victim of bullying herself, Mahea works to bring awareness to students against bullying, being kind and respectful, goal setting, personal development and motivation. She is also the author and illustrator of the book “It’s Okay to Be Different.” She wrote the book as her way of dealing with her bullying situation. She wanted to turn her negative experience into a positive one and it is also her way of sharing her experience with others.
What you should know:
Bullying can start as early as preschool. That's why our anti-bullying programs are aimed at children from K-High School. You'll listen to real-life stories by Mahealani and Augie T on being bullied, and how to handle it. Start your own initiative to stop bullying today!
What we hope to achieve:
We believe that everyone should feel comfortable in their own space. You should never feel ashamed of being different from the rest of the crowd. Through our awareness programs, school personnel, students, parents, and the community should come together to prevent bullying at every level.
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